Joshua Ingle - About

About Me

I’m a pathologically curious fantasy and sci-fi geek, and a big fan of this awesome and mysterious universe that we find ourselves in. One of my favorite things to do is learn as much about it as I can and share my findings with kind gentlefolk such as yourself. In both my own work and in the stuff I read, I gravitate toward envelope-pushing, mind-bending ideas that challenge common assumptions. I write stories about ethical and philosophical crises, packaged in nail-biting thriller and mystery story lines, taking place in unique alternate worlds.

I’m interested in taking important ideas from philosophy and science and translating them into the realm of emotion for readers to enjoy. You’ll notice my affinity for science in my books—even the fantasy ones. I’m particularly keen on microbiology, astronomy, cosmology, particle physics, artificial intelligence, and futurology, although I can’t say I’m even an armchair expert in any of these subjects. I could geek out with you for days talking about all kinds of eclectic stuff.

Outside of writing books, my background is in infectious disease epidemiology, public safety, and in a complete non sequitur, the film business.

I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to share my stories with you. Thanks for visiting, and if you want to chat over e-mail, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at:

A photo of author Joshua Ingle.
The book cover of author Joshua Ingle's short story collection, Time Lapses.

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